
Calculating Calories for Weight Loss

Calories for weight loss

Losing weight can often feel like a complex math problem. When embarking on a weight loss journey, one of the most common questions is, “How many calories should I eat for weight loss?” Understanding your daily calorie needs and how to create a calorie deficit is crucial, but it’s equally important to recognise that no two people’s caloric needs are the same and change daily.

Understanding Caloric Needs

What Are Calories?

Calories are the units of energy that fuel your body, coming from the food and beverages you consume. Your body needs a certain number of calories to perform basic life-sustaining functions such as breathing, circulating blood and cell production. This is known as your basal metabolic rate (BMR).

Calculating Daily Calorie Needs

Your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is your BMR plus the energy you expend through physical activity and digestion. Several factors influence your TDEE:

  • Age: Metabolic rate generally slows as you age.
  • Sex: Men often have higher calorie needs than women.
  • Activity Level: More active individuals require more calories.
  • Height & Weight: Larger or taller individuals need more calories.

To calculate your TDEE, you can use online calculators that consider these factors and provide a personalised estimate. This is a starting point for understanding how much energy your body needs daily.

Creating a Calorie Deficit

To lose weight, you must consume fewer calories than you expend, creating what is known as a calorie deficit. A general rule is to aim for a deficit of 500-1000 calories daily to lose about 0.5 to 1kg per week. However, this must be tailored to ensure it is sustainable and healthy!

Why One-Size-Fits-All Diets Don’t Work

Generic programs, such as those promoting a universal 1200-calorie diet, fail to consider the varied caloric needs based on individual differences and lifestyles. These can be overly restrictive for some and insufficiently energising for others, often leading to fatigue, nutritional deficiencies, and a slowed metabolism.

The Importance of Tailored Plans

At The 4% Club, our programs are centred around just how unique you are! And we know they are just so much more effective for the following reasons:

  • Customised to YOUR Lifestyle: Whether you’re an active athlete or have a sedentary job, your plan should match your daily activity level.
  • All Food Groups Considered: Ensuring a balanced intake of carbohydrates, proteins and fats tailored to your preferences and body’s needs.
  • Adaptability: As you lose weight, your caloric needs can change. Tailored plans adjust with you, preventing plateaus and maintaining progress.

Getting Started with a Tailored Plan

Here’s how to get started with a tailored plan:

  1. Book in with a friendly consultant who can assess your specific needs. During this assessment they will discuss your health history, lifestyle, and dietary preferences.
  2. You will then meet with your very own coach, who has been paired specifically with you. Together, you will create a plan that makes sense for you and your lifestyle.
  3. This will be followed by regular check-ins to adapt the plan as needed and support you through your weight loss journey.
  4. Success


Understanding how many calories to eat to lose weight involves more than just a generic diet plan. It requires a personalised approach that considers the unique needs of your body and lifestyle. With a tailored plan, you can ensure that you’re not just losing weight, but doing so in a healthy, sustainable way that sets you up for long-term success.

If you’re ready to move beyond one-size-fits-all solutions and explore a weight loss plan that’s crafted just for you, reach out today. Let’s create a plan that respects your body’s needs and supports your weight loss goals effectively.


Thank you for reading this week's blog post! Keep an eye out on our Instagram for weightloss tips, recipes and more.

Remember, you’ve got this!

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  1. Helen jessup

    June 14, 2024

    I made a great meal last night. It was a paste dish, with red onion, mushrooms, spinach, and oregano, garlic, salt abd peper. Once you have cooked the red onion and mushrooms you add the required pasta and 1/4 cup of sour cream, plus baby spinach leaves and mix well. Very nice indeed also sprinkled a little cheese on top of it too

    • Peta Kopon

      June 16, 2024

      It does sound lovely – and definitely a dish you may avoid if you were calculating your calories due to the sour cream and pasta! So glad that you got to mindfully enjoy it instead Helen. Thanks for sharing.

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