
How to Speed Up Metabolism After 40 by Eating Your Favourite Foods

How to Speed Up Metabolism After 50. Womans hands wrapped in tape measure to prevent her reaching for a donut in the foreground. Background showing artery for impact affect.

As we age, our metabolism — the engine that powers our body’s energy consumption and calorie burning — naturally begins to slow down (particularly as we pass age 40). This deceleration can often lead to frustration, especially when we notice that the foods we once loved (and consumed without a second thought) now seem to linger longer on our waistlines. However, the journey to maintaining and even enhancing metabolic health doesn’t have to be one of deprivation and missed culinary joys. Welcome to “How to Speed Up Metabolism After 40 by Eating Your Favourite Foods,” where we debunk the myths of metabolic decline and introduce you to the pleasures of eating for energy, joy, and health—all without giving up the foods you love.

Understanding Your Metabolism After 40

As we cruise past the 40-year mark, our bodies start to write a different story, and our metabolism plays one of the lead roles. The term “metabolism” gets tossed around a lot, but what does it really mean, especially after 40? And with all the myths floating around, it’s high time we set the record straight.

Metabolism is essentially your body’s energy manager. It’s the process of converting what you eat and drink into the energy your body needs to function. Sounds straightforward, right? However, as we age, this process doesn’t tick along as briskly as it used to. This slowdown can be attributed to several factors like losing muscle mass, hormonal changes (hello, menopause!), and a lifestyle that perhaps isn’t as active as it was in your twenties.

There is also a whole heap of factors attributed to slowing metabolism, which is just not true:

  1. Eating Late Equals Weight Gain? Night owl or early bird, your body burns calories around the clock. It’s more about what and how much you’re consuming than the time on the clock.
  2. Starvation Diets for the Win? Counterintuitively, cutting calories too drastically can put your metabolism into conservation mode. Instead of revving up, it slows down, making weight loss harder to achieve.
  3. After 40, It’s All Downhill? While it’s true that metabolism slows with age, it doesn’t come to a screeching halt. Lifestyle tweaks can keep the metabolic engine running smoothly.
  4. Magic Foods That Boost Metabolism? The idea that certain foods or drinks can significantly speed up your metabolism is more myth than fact. A balanced diet and regular exercise have a far more significant impact.
  5. It’s Out of My Hands, Right? Genetics play a role, but they’re not the whole story. You have the power to influence your metabolism through diet, exercise, and maintaining muscle mass.

The takeaway? While our metabolism does take a detour post-40, it’s far from dead. So how can you rectify it and get it back on track?

The 4% Clubs Anti-Diet Approach to Boosting Metabolism

The anti-diet approach is a liberating path to improving your health, including your metabolism, without the constraints of traditional dieting. It’s about listening to your body, eating intuitively, and embracing food as a source of nourishment and joy rather than seeing it as the enemy. This approach encourages you to tune into your hunger and fullness cues, make peace with all types of food, and find what truly satisfies you. The benefits? A happier, healthier you with a metabolism that’s supported naturally by your choices, not dictated by rigid rules.

So What Are The 4% Clubs Strategies Without Restriction?

Incorporate Protein-Rich Foods

Protein isn’t just a building block for muscles; it’s a key player in keeping your metabolic engine humming. Including protein in your meals can help maintain muscle mass, which is crucial as muscle burns more calories than fat. Think grilled chicken in your salads, beans in your tacos, or even a scoop of peanut butter in your morning oats—delicious ways to boost your metabolism.

Focus on Fibre

Fibre is like the unsung hero of your digestive system, helping everything move smoothly and keeping your metabolism in check. It slows the digestion of carbohydrates, keeping blood sugar levels stable and preventing energy crashes. Berries, whole grains, and leafy greens are just a few tasty, fibre-packed options to weave into your daily meals.

Enjoy Healthy Fats

Contrary to old dietary myths, healthy fats are essential for a well-functioning metabolism. They help keep you full, ensuring you’re energized and satisfied between meals. Avocados on toast, nuts for snacks, or salmon for dinner are great ways to include these metabolism-friendly fats in your diet.

Stay Hydrated

Water is the lifeblood of your metabolism. Staying well-hydrated aids in optimal metabolic function and helps regulate your appetite. Flavour your water with lemon, cucumber, or mint for a refreshing twist that makes meeting your hydration goals more enjoyable.

Physical Activity for a Metabolic Boost

Regular movement, from strength training to yoga, plays a significant role in keeping your metabolism active. Exercise not only burns calories but also builds muscle, further enhancing your metabolic rate. Find activities you love, and make them a part of your routine to naturally speed up your metabolism.

Sleep and Stress Management

Quality sleep and low stress are critical for a healthy metabolism. Poor sleep and high stress can lead to hormonal imbalances that slow metabolic function. Establishing a calming bedtime routine and finding effective stress-relief techniques can speed up your metabolism and improve your overall well-being.

Listening to Your Body

Mindful eating—paying attention to your hunger and fullness signals—is a cornerstone of the anti-diet approach. It encourages you to enjoy your food, recognize when you’re satisfied, and choose foods that make you feel good physically and mentally. This practice not only supports metabolic health but also fosters a healthier relationship with food.


Revving up your metabolism after 40 doesn’t mean missing out on the foods you love or adhering to strict diet rules. It’s about embracing a balanced, joyful approach to eating that listens to your body and respects its needs. Incorporate a mix of protein, fibre, healthy fats, and plenty of water into your meals, find physical activities you enjoy, prioritize good sleep, and manage stress for a holistic boost to your metabolic health. If you’re looking for support to navigate this journey and make peace with food in a way that fuels both body and soul, The 4% Club is here to help. Book yourself in for an obligation-free call to start transforming your relationship with food and your metabolism today.


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Remember, you’ve got this!

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